Kate Cingolani, Communications Business Partner, Life Science Communications, MilliporeSigma, will join our panel when PRSA Boston and Alkermes co-sponsor a…
We’ve heard the catchphrases – new normal, unprecedented times, Zoom fatigue, and more – on repeat over the last few…
By Jolene Peixoto, vice president, digital and corporate communications, Blue Yonder (formerly JDA Software) The worst thing to ever happen…
Adam Ritchie is moderating our Oct. 30 panel called Communications Results: Data CMOs Want. This topic arose from a recent…
Sapped. Stagnated. Stuck. These feelings can strike anyone from unpaid intern to executive board member, but they don’t have to…
By Ariana Revelas of Bentley University, PRSA Boston’s Faculty Forum student correspondent Michele Snyder is Director of Communications at Maimonides…