Volunteering to Advance the PR Profession
Our Board of Directors hail from every locale and employer type from across Eastern Massachusetts. Individually and as an ensemble, we are part “Welcome Wagon” for Chapter newcomers and as well as connectors to expert communications advisors, employment and career development programs. Most posts are one-year commitments, and are supported by committees. Have fun and collaborate with new peers.
Robert Brown | Salem State University PRSSA | rbrown@salemstate.edu |
Gladys McKie | Northeastern University, PRSSA | g.mckie@neu.edu |
Leslie Medalie | Emerson College, PRSSA | leslie@learypr.com |
Andrew Porter | Simmons College, PRSSA | andrew.porter@simmons.edu |
Monique Kelley Gigliotti | Boston University, PRSSA | mokelley@bu.edu |
Thomasena Shaw | Bridgewater State University, PRSSA | thomasena.shaw@bridgew.edu |
Nancy Sterling, APR | Lasell College | NJSterling@MLStrategies.com |
PRSA Boston Bylaws, Amended in 2018
To PRSA Boston Members,
At our Annual Meeting in early December, these new Chapter Bylaws will be presented on the floor for ratification. Here’s why they were revamped and what will be asked of all members.
Q: Why were they changed?
A: Our chapter bylaws now follow a sanctioned PRSA bylaws template, bringing our chapter in compliance and consistent with all PRSA chapters.
Q: What content changed?
A: Pretty much most of it. These bylaws now reflect our chapter’s procedural and operational practices and have been pre-approved by the PRSA Governance Committee.
Q: Often when bylaws are updated, the edits can be shown. Yet these are clean. Why?
A: Yes, and we will be able to do this with future iterations, but the complete reformatting overhaul make such a comparison impractical.
Q: How were these bylaws developed?
A: Our chapter’s board of directors convened a small bylaws committee comprised of practitioners with ethics, leadership, nominating and governance experience. This group developed the initial draft for approval by the full board which was subsequently approved by PRSA to be presented to our chapter’s members.
Q: I can’t attend the Annual Meeting but I want to vote on them. How do I do that?
A: ANSWER TBD. Currently bylaws are amended with a two-thirds majority vote by members in attendance at the Annual meeting. ** If we are going to allow absentia voting, then we need to figure out the mechanics and state as much. See Article II, Sec. 6f.
It’s a Great Time to Participate in PRSA Boston!
You’ll meet new Boston-area colleagues and tap into a wealth of career and networking resources! Introduce yourself to President Kelly McFalls, at kelly.mcfalls@gmail.com. She looks forward to hearing from you!
2022 Board of Directors
- President – Kelly McFalls
- President-Elect – TBD
- Immediate Past President – Doug Haslam
- Treasurer – Michele Snyder
- Secretary – Eric Berman
- Diversity Chair– Jamie McIver
- Programming Co-Chair – TBD
- Programming Co-Chair – TBD
- Membership Chair – Kristen Foley
- PRSSA Liaison – Regan Schiappa
- Director-at-Large/Diversity – TBD
- Director-at-Large – TBD
- Director-at-Large (thru 2023) – Dan Dent, APR
2022 Leadership Team
- Content Chair – Jamie McIver
- Faculty Forum Chair – Todd Vann Hoosear
- YPN-Co-Chair – Regan Schiappa