FAST 5 is PRSA Boston’s ‘on the fly’ Q&A with a trailblazer, influencer or newsmaker.
Meet Katie Delahaye Paine: PR Measurement Guru, Researcher, Author, and Lecturer.
Katie is the speaker in the chair of our January 26th fireside chat program that PRSA Boston is co-hosting with the Publicity Club of NE. The subject: PR measurement, a must-know for any PR practitioner. From KPIs to analytics tools to using metrics to benchmark PR performance, Katie’s been leading the way for going on 30 years. Katie will be interviewed by Christine Perkett (@missusP), known as founder of PerkettPR and now with the added CEO title from SeeDepth, Inc., her fledgling PR measurement analytics firm. We caught up with Katie in between speaking trips at her New Hampshire office and pitchd this busy PRSA Yankee Chapter member our FAST 5:
#1 – Do you follow any PR blogs? If so, which ones?
Yes! There are so many out there with great insights, but there are only so many hours in the day available to read them. My favorites include Josh Bernoff’s (@jbernoff) Without Bullshit and past PRSA presenter Christopher Penn’s (@cspenn) Almost Timely. I also like reading Bob Garfield (@Bobosphere) and Shel Israel (@shelisrael).
#2 – What is the most important PR book you own (other than yours)?
Can’t Buy Me Like by Bob Garfield, or more recently Lethal Generosity by Shel Israel.
#3 – Tell us about an important trend that you think will impact the PR world this year.
I think we are going to see a trend of the integration of internal and external communications. If your own people are unable to serve as brand ambassadors, you will have a much more difficult time achieving PR success.
#4 – What are the two or three essential apps or software that any PR person should have?
You really can’t live without Excel (specifically Pivot Tables). Google Analytics is also essential.
#5 – Where is the one place in the world that you absolutely want to visit in your lifetime?
I really want to cruise the Cuban coast. There are some really interesting changes happening in Cuba, and I’m excited about having the chance to be able to see some of that beautiful country.
Katie predicts 2016 will be a tumultuous year of change in how we measure PR. Read more HERE.
About Katie Delahaye Paine
Also known as ‘The Measurement Queen,’ Katie has been a pioneer in the field of measurement for more than two decades. She has founded two measurement companies, KDPaine & Partners Inc. and The Delahaye Group. Her books, Measure What Matters (Wiley, March 2011) and Measuring Public Relationships (KDPaine & Partners, 2007) are considered must-reads for anyone tasked with measuring public relations and social media. Her latest book, written with Beth Kanter (@kanter), Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Using Data to Change the World, is the 2013 winner of the Terry McAdam Book Award. Follow Katie @queenofmetrics and on Facebook. She invites email: measurementqueen@gmail.com
About FAST 5
This is a new feature of PRSA Boston’s Hot Topics blog page. The expert subject is someone who is clearly in demand, on the go, and nailing them down for a conversation is about as easy as… winning Powerball at $1.5 billion! But we know leaders like to share, so check back for insights, wisdom, author’s books about to hit the stands and other valuable tips. @prsaboston #prsabos
Do YOU have a candidate for a FAST 5 interview? Email: Joshua Milne at josh@joshuamilnepr.com and pitch your subject expert!
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author or the individual being interviewed and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of PRSA Boston, PRSA National, staff or board of directors of either organization.